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MOSA  & CMOSS: Advancing PNT Through Open Systems Architecture

What is MOSA?

The Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) is a DoD-mandated strategy that ensures interoperability, scalability, and rapid modernization across defense platforms. CMOSS is a direct implementation of MOSA, enabling cross-service compatibility and vendor-agnostic solutions.

MOSA prioritizes open standards, such as:


  • CMOSS – Standardized architecture for C5ISR/EW systems

  • SOSA™ – Sensor Open Systems Architecture for joint-service interoperability

  • VITA 65 / OpenVPX™ – Open hardware standards for embedded systems


By aligning CMOSS with MOSA principles, the DoD ensures that future systems are:

  • More affordable due to vendor competition

  • More flexible through plug-and-play technology

  • More resilient with built-in cybersecurity & anti-obsolescence strategies

What is CMOSS?

CMOSS is a suite of open standards designed to reduce size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) of C5ISR and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. By enabling hardware and software interoperability, CMOSS enhances flexibility, adaptability, and modularity across military platforms.


CMOSS moves away from traditional “stove-piped” systems that require separate, proprietary hardware. Instead, it leverages a modular, standards-based approach that allows multiple vendors to develop interoperable solutions.

What is CMFF?

The CMOSS Mounted Form Factor (CMFF) expands CMOSS-based architectures for mounted vehicle platforms, providing:


  • Compact, ruggedized hardware for combat vehicles & mobile platforms

  • Seamless integration of communications, EW, & SIGINT functions

  • Standardized interfaces for rapid capability upgrades


​CMFF ensures that ground vehicles benefit from the same CMOSS-based advantages seen in other military domains.

Key Acronyms

MOSA = Modular Open Systems Approach

EW = Electronic Warfare

CMOSS = C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards

CMFF = CMOSS Mounted Form Factor

C5ISR = Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

CMOSS and the SOSA Initiative

CMOSS is a foundational component of the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA)™ initiative, which the U.S. Military actively participates in. SOSA aligns with MOSA (Modular Open Systems Approach), ensuring common standards for open, adaptable, and rapidly upgradable military systems.


Safran Federal Systems is a proud member of the Sensor Open Systems Architecture™ Consortium.


Historically, C5ISR and EW systems have been developed independently, leading to incompatibility and inefficiencies. CMOSS creates a unified architecture that integrates these technologies into a single, interoperable framework, delivering key advantages:

Reduces Integration Costs & Risks

Standardized interfaces simplify development and deployment

Extends System Lifespan

Modular upgrades prevent costly full-system replacements

Facilitates Interoperability & Reuse

Multiple vendors can contribute to a common ecosystem

Accelerates Fielding & Deliveries

Open architecture speeds up new technology adoption

By converging multiple functions into a shared hardware and software ecosystem, CMOSS provides military forces with a future-proof, scalable solution for modern battlefield operations.

How is CMOSS Being Implemented?

CMOSS is actively shaping next-generation military systems by standardizing hardware, software, networking, and data sharing across platforms. There are several key components of CMOSS implementation:

Universal A-Kit

​Enables plug-and-play fielding of new capabilities via modular cards in a common chassis

Pooled RF Resources

Shared antennas & amplifiers for Communications, Electronic Warfare (EW), and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) systems

Integrated Processing & Displays

Shared computing resources enhance situational awareness & decision-making

Common PNT Data Services

Standardized Position, Navigation & Timing (PNT) services for all mission-critical systems

CMOSS Architecture
Software Layer

•  Enables portability of software applications across hardware platforms

•  Allows mission-specific software framework

Functional Decomposition

•  Enables resource sharing (e.g., RF components, antennas, amplifiers)

•  Defines standardized interfaces for seamless integration

•  Supports best-of-breed rapid technology upgrades

Hardware Layer

•  Enables capabilities to be fielded as cards in a common chassis

•  Standardizes physical, electrical, and environmental specifications

Network Layer

•  Provides connectivity and defines interfaces within the platform

•  Enables legacy systems to integrate with the converged architecture

U.S. Army Selects Safran Federal Systems as a Top-5 Winner in XTech CMOSS PNT Plugfest Competition

Safran Federal Systems (formerly Orolia Defense & Security) was recognized for its outstanding technology achievements at the 2021 xTech Plugfest competition. Selected as a Top-5 Winner, the company demonstrated the potential of CMOSS-based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) solutions to impact military operations within the United States Army and Department of Defense

Resilient Position, Navigation, and Timing in a Single Card


Addressing Assured PNT Needs through Open Standards

This white paper guides engineering staff, integrators, and decision makers in recognizing the need for assured PNT in modernized systems. The benefits of assured PNT can be realized and addressed through the adoption of open standards.

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