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CPNT fuses GNSS, inertial measurement, and high-performance timing oscillators with GNSS jamming and spoofing detection and CRPA/AJAS antenna compatibility in a flexible, configurable device to provide PNT assurance in threat-filled environments.
RPNT in a Single Card
A navigation system, master clock, and network time server for CMOSS-aligned systems. Ready for integration into a variety of CMOSS-aligned chassis.
Key Features
M-Code Ready Secure GPS
Precision Clock (CSAC, OCXO)
Signals of Opportunity
FlexFusion Engine
GNSS Receiver
BroadShield Threat Detection
Multi-Constellation GNSS capability
High performance internal time-base and inertial sensor to manage potential loss of GNSS
GNSS time and frequency source with NTP/PTP time server
Integrate future PNT signal sources
GNSS spoofing and jamming detection
Highly versatile and software configurable
Network sync, set-up and management
Easy CMOSS Integration
Compatible with external IMU’s
VICTORY compliant
Low phase noise oscillators
Powered by the FlexFusion Engine
CPNT has a plug and play architecture powered by its FlexFusion® sensor fusion engine and is designed for easy in-field-upgradability. FlexFusion combines complementary PNT signals, meaning superior PNT accuracy without resorting to the traditional brute-force, high-cost IMU approach. CPNT minimizes size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) by combining PNT functions normally achieved through multiple independent subsystems.