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BroadSim Wavefront Software-Defined CRPA Test System

Protecting your GNSS systems from jamming and spoofing is more critical now than ever before. BroadSim Wavefront was designed to enable easier and more affordable CRPA receiver testing, leveraging proven software-defined architecture.
– Test CRPA electronics/multi-element antennas
– IQ generated in GPU not FPGA
– PXE (pixie) system architecture - single computer
– Unlimited number of in-band and out-of-band
jamming signals with no additional hardware
– Create dynamic transmitters and user-defined
– Simultaneously simulate multiple threats
including jamming, spoofing, and repeating
– Single pane view of all system nodes and
their signal simulations

Why Develop a New Wavefront Simulator?
– High-end PNT systems are using AJAS - very few Wavefront simulators exist
– Wavefront simulators are expensive - standard configurations can cost
– Jamming/spoofing is often not a part of the solution - the user must integrate
additional hardware
– Scenario creation is complicated and limited - requiring trained, expert PNT
The Status Quo
Difficult calibration routine
Physically large and not scalable
Custom one-off solutions
Limited or no API control
Limited spoofing/repeating capabilities
BroadSim Wavefront
Scalable and affordable
Commercially available
Easy to use and calibrate
Robust API: C++, C#, and Python
Jamming, spoofing, and repeating