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BroadSim Solo Single-Output Software-Defined GNSS Simulator

Designed to address the permanent challenges that engineers face with laboratory capacity and availability, BroadSim Solo was developed to bring advanced GNSS scenario creation to your desk and propel development cycles.
Total Freedom
Instead of scheduling time around and limiting use to 1-2 simulators in a lab, an entire team of engineers can have BroadSim Solos at their desks, working on different simulation projects & tasks, while letting the lab simulators run the primary scenarios.
BroadSim Solo allows you to create a simulation eco-system that is scalable based on the size of your team, and non-location-dependent, which accounts for the rising popularity of flexible work positions.
Empower your entire team by adding BroadSim Solo to your simulation ecosystem.
Compact form factor fits nicely
at your desk or workstation
Remarkably affordable price point
Increase performance and drive innovation